


A Research of the Growth of Elementary School Teachers' Mathematical Teaching Expertise-An Example of Applying PPt to Teaching Divisor and Multiple




吳金聰(Chin-Tsung Wu);劉曼麗(Man-Li Liu)


因數與倍數 ; 國小教師 ; 專業成長 ; 數學教學 ; 簡報 ; Divisor and Multiple ; Elementary School Teacher ; Professional Growth ; Mathematical Teaching ; PowerPoint




21卷4期(2013 / 12 / 01)


371 - 400




本研究旨在探討,國小教師參與「以簡報(Power Point, PPt)應用在因數與倍數教學」的專業知能成長鷹架歷程與成效。參與成長團隊的老師有四位,但進行教學試驗者有二位。本研究以行動研究進行專業知能成長,蒐集與分析質化與量化資料瞭解教師的成長歷程與成效;為了進一步瞭解教師的成長是否反映在學生身上,更蒐集教學前後學生喜歡上數學課的情形進行卡方考驗,使用試卷蒐集學生前後測資料進行共變數分析。研究發現:教師可在「教材理解、設計轉化、教學反省、再教學反省」之成長模式下,在團隊安排的垂直與水平鷹架策略及避免負向因素與營造正向因素下,進行因數與倍數的教學簡報專業成長,不但解決了專業成長問題且精進教師的數學專業知能;而教師的知能精進,也進一步帶動參與教學之學生的數學學習成績與喜愛態度之改善,且達到顯著水準。


This study aimed to explore elementary school teachers' expertise process and effectiveness in participating in the project--teaching divisor and multiple by applying PowerPoint (PPt). Two of four teachers in the team conducted teaching experiment, in which one of them served as the subject of this research. This study conducted action research on theme of expertise, collected quantitative and qualitative data to analyze the impacts on growing process and effectiveness, further, to realize whether the growth of teacher reflected on students' learning, this research conducted chi-square test on analyzing the preference of taking math class, and conducted covariance analysis on data collected pre/post test. From the result, it showed that teacher could follow the growing model of ”comprehension of teaching matters, transformation of teaching design, the first teaching practice and reflection, and the second teaching practice and reflection” with the pre-arranged vertical and horizontal scaffolding strategy, avoiding negative factor and creating positive factor, the PPt teaching of divisor and multiple not only solved the problem of professional growth, but improved the expertise of teacher. In addition, such improvement on teachers also brought up the advancement on students' learning performance and attitude on math with significant level.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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