


The Impact of Science News Positions on Different Age Levels Women's Health Decision-An Example of Hormone-Replacement Therapy




林靜雯(Jing-Wen Lin);林錦鴻(Chin-Hung Lin);陳美蓉(Mei-Rong Chen)


科學新聞 ; 健康決策 ; 健康相關之社會性科學議題 ; 荷爾蒙療法 ; 新聞觀點 ; Science News ; Health Decision-Making ; Health-Related Socio-Science Issues (H-SSI) ; Hormonal-Replacement Therapy (HRT) ; News Position




22卷3期(2014 / 09 / 01)


281 - 306




本研究以更年期不適是否採用荷爾蒙療法(Hormone Replace Therapy, HRT)為例,探討科學新聞之正、負觀點對不同年齡層女性健康決策之影響。研究者先分別將78名女大學生及79名更年期婦女,隨機分配至「正面新聞」或「負面新聞」兩組,接著調查其閱讀新聞前、後採用HRT之決策程度、理由的改變情形及新聞面向的覺察情形。研究發現新聞之正、負觀點會影響女大學生採用HRT之決策改變程度,但並不影響更年期婦女。而以「健康信念模式」分析受試者的決策理由則顯示不同觀點之健康新聞會影響女大學生對「自覺行動利益」與「自覺行動障礙」的覺知,但對於更年期婦女則沒有顯著影響。而以「文化鑽石」之架構分析受試者閱讀新聞的解讀面向則顯示無論哪種年齡階段皆注意新聞「文本」,而較不能體察其他面向。若女大學生與更年期婦女相較,前者對新聞「生產者」的面向較為關注,而後者則較有先入為主的看法而不需要進一步的資訊補充。文末,研究者根據研究結果對科學教學及科學新聞寫作提出建議。


This study takes menopause hormone-replacement therapy (HRT) as an example to explore the impact of a positive or negative view of the science news on different age level women's health decisions. Seventy-eight female college students and 79 post-menopause women were randomly assigned to two groups of "positive news" or "negative news" respectively. Then, their decision degree, changes, reasons and awareness about news perspectives of reading hospital circulars and news were investigated. The research results show that the news of the positive or negative view influence female college students' decisions about the degree of adopting HRT, but do not affect post-menopause women. Using "Health belief model" to analyze the reasons for the participants' decision-making, this study found different positions of news would influence female college students' awareness of "perceived benefits of actions" and "perceived barriers of action". Furthermore, using the framework of the "cultural diamond" to analyze the participants' interpretation perspectives of news, this study found either age levels pay their attention to the news "text", and are less able to aware of the other perspectives. Comparisons between female students and post-menopause women show the former is more concerned about the "producers" perspective, while the latter is prejudiced by their original impressions without the need for further supplementary information. According to the findings, this study provides recommendation to teaching health-related social science issues in science education and writing science news in the end.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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