


Mapping Out the Integration of Mathematics Pedagogical Content Knowledge (MPCK) from Two Elementary School Teachers




陳彥廷(Yen-Ting Chen)


國小教師 ; 數學教學知識 ; 數學教學知識知覺量表 ; Elementary School Teacher ; Mathematics Pedagogical Content Knowledge ; Perception Instrument of Mathematics Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Elementary School Teachers




23卷3期(2015 / 09 / 01)


213 - 239




過去,許多研究認為數學教學知識是數學教學的核心,但鮮少研究從動態觀點探究數學教學知識在數學教學過程中的整合。本研究運用「數學教學知識知覺量表」,提供二位國小個案教師自我評估數學PCK現況;並依據量表中數學PCK的五個面向,透過教學觀察與晤談,分析個案教師在數學教學過程中的數學PCK統整情形;進而比較個案教師自覺與實際教學所顯示的數學PCK的差異。蒐集的資料包括個案教師所填寫的「數學教學知識知覺量表」書面資訊、教學錄影及晤談語料。結果顯示:一、兩位個案教師在數學教學過程中所呈現的數學PCK整合,是以「學科內容知識」、「教學策略知識」與「教學表徵知識」為整合的核心;二、「課程與目標知識」與「學習成效評估的知識」與其他面向知識連結受限;三、兩位教師在「數學教學知識知覺量表」所知覺的數學PCK情形呼應本研究透過實際課室觀察所獲得的數學PCK map。


There is agreement that mathematics pedagogical content knowledge (MPCK) is the core of mathematics teaching. However, few scholars have focused on the integration of MPCK. This study explored the integration of five components of MPCK: 1. Knowledge of Mathematic Curriculum and Target, 2. Knowledge of Subject, 3. Knowledge of Instructional Strategies, 4. Knowledge of Representations, 5. Knowledge of Assessment of Mathematics Learning. The researcher investigated two teachers who were working in an elementary school. Data sources included classroom observations, semi-structured interviews, instructional materials, and a perception instrument of mathematics pedagogical content knowledge information written by the two teachers. Data analysis indicated three salient features of the integration of the MPCK components: 1. Knowledge of Subject, Knowledge of Instructional Strategies and Knowledge of Representations were central in the integration; 2. Knowledge of Mathematics Curriculum and Target and Knowledge of Assessment of Mathematics Learning had most limited connection with other components; 3. the results from classroom observations corresponding to the results from the perception instrument of mathematics pedagogical content knowledge information.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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