


Cooperative Flipped Teaching Supported Living Technology Hands-On Curriculum




戴文雄(David W. S. Tai);王裕德(Yu-Te Wang);王瑞(Ray Wang);陳嘉苓(Jia-Ling Chen)


生活科技實作課程 ; 合作學習態度 ; 科技態度 ; 線上學習自我效能 ; 翻轉教學 ; Living Technology Hands-on Curriculum ; Cooperative Learning Attitude ; Technology Attitude ; Web-based Learning Self-efficacy ; Flipped Teaching




24卷1期(2016 / 03 / 01)


57 - 88




本研究旨在探討翻轉教學式合作學習對高中學生在生活科技實作課程學習成就、科技態度、合作學習態度及課程滿意度之影響,本研究主要採準實驗研究法,研究對象為中部一所國立高級中學103學年度第二學期修習「生活科技」課程之高二3個班級共120位學生,隨機抽取兩班為實驗組(N = 72),另一班為控制組(N = 48),實驗組學生採用翻轉教學式合作學習,控制組學生採用傳統講述式合作學習,實驗組及控制組皆採取認知型態異質性分組,兩人一組,並進行為期11週(22節課)的教學實驗,本研究於教學實驗前後施測以蒐集研究所需之相關數據,研究中透過開放性問卷蒐集質性資料。研究結果顯示:一、「翻轉教學式合作學習」確實能提升學生在科技實作課程的學習成就、課程滿意度、科技態度及合作學習態度。二、「翻轉教學式合作學習」中學習參與確實會影響學生在科技實作課程的學習成就及課程滿意度,但對科技態度及合作學習態度則無顯著影響。三、「翻轉教學式合作學習」中線上學習自我效能確實會影響學生在科技實作課程的學習成就及課程滿意度,但對科技態度及合作學習態度則無顯著影響。


The study aimed to explore the influence of flipped teaching on students' learning achievement in living technology hands-on curriculum, their technology attitude, their cooperative learning attitude and their course satisfaction. The study used a quasi-experimental design, involving 120 17-year-old students from 3 11th-grade classes for 11 weeks (22 hours in total). A pre-test and a post-test, as well as some open-ended questionnaires, were used. During the study, students were randomly assigned to 2 experimental groups (N = 72) and a control group (N = 48). Teacher adopted flipped teaching in the experimental group, while in the control group, the teacher used traditional lecture teaching. In addition, students in both the experimental groups and the control group were paired up according to their cognitive styles. The results of this study are as follows. First, significant differences were found between the experimental groups and the control group in terms of students' learning achievement in living technology hands-on curriculum, technology attitude, cooperative learning attitude and course satisfaction. Second, in the experimental groups, student's participation had a positive effect on students' learning achievement in living technology hands-on curriculum and their course satisfaction. However, there was no significant effect on students' technology attitude or their cooperative learning attitude. Third, in the experimental groups, students' web-based learning self-efficacy had a positive effect on students' learning achievement in living technology hands-on curriculum and their course satisfaction. However, there was no significant effect on students' technology attitude or their cooperative learning attitude.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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