


Exploring the Worldviews of Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Students on the Concept of Evolution at Junior High School Level




韋寧均(Ning-Chun Wei);林樹聲(Shu-Sheng Lin)


生物演化概念 ; 世界觀 ; 多元文化科學教育 ; 原住民學生 ; 國中生 ; Evolution ; Worldview ; Multicultural Science Education ; Aboriginal Students ; Junior High School Students




25卷3期(2017 / 09 / 01)


197 - 217




本研究藉由生物演化概念,探究原住民與非原住民學生的世界觀類型,以及影響其演化世界觀形成的因素。研究者利用「生物演化概念之世界觀問卷」,調查原住民與非原住民學生各98人,並訪談其中各15位學生。資料經分析和歸納後的結果顯示:在「物種起源」、「物種改變」向度上,原住民與非原住民學生呈現顯著不同的世界觀分布(p <.05)。物種起源方面,原住民學生選擇以「神創論」解釋的百分比遠高於非原住民;物種改變方面,原住民學生傾向選擇「無目的論」的世界觀做解釋,非原住民則傾向選擇「目的論」的世界觀來說明;兩群學生世界觀類型之人數分布也存在著顯著差異(p < .05),特別是在「目的論」的類型上,原住民學生少於非原住民學生;而兩群學生皆以混合型世界觀的人數最多;宗教信仰、來自書籍和網路的訊息,在學生生物演化概念世界觀的建構上扮演重要角色。文末從世界觀的角度,對生物演化概念的教與學、師資培育提出相關建議。


The purpose of this study was to explore the aboriginal and non-aboriginal students’ worldview types and the factors influencing their worldview formation through understanding their concepts of evolution. Data consisted of junior high school students’ responses to a questionnaire (N = 196) and individual interviews (N = 30). The findings revealed that the percentage of aboriginal students explaining the origin of species in terms of creationism was significantly higher than non-aboriginal students. For the variation of species, the aboriginal students tended to illustrate it in terms of the non-teleology; non-aboriginal students inclined to use teleology to interpret it. There was a statistically significant difference in the worldview types between two groups of students; non-aboriginal students who held teleology were many more than aboriginal students. Moreover, most of the aboriginal and non-aboriginal students had the mixed-type worldview. Religious beliefs and the information from books and websites played important roles in the students’ worldview formation about biological evolution. Implications based on worldview aspects for teaching and learning the concepts of evolution, and science teacher education were discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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