


A Study on Undergraduates' Acceptance and Perspectives of in Vitro Fertilization




林秀玉(Show-Yu Lin);辛旻靜(Ming-Chin Hsin)


人工生殖科技 ; 大學生 ; 社會性科學議題 ; 接受度 ; 觀點 ; In Vitro Fertilization ; Undergraduate ; Socio-Scientific Issues ; Acceptance ; Perspective




25卷S期(2017 / 12 / 01)


463 - 484






In vitro fertilization (IVFs) is a global socio-scientific issue and may lead to different public forum and policy-making due to various cultures and traditions locally. Nowadays, people are given more opportunities and options regarding assisted reproductive issues as IVFs technologies have been advanced. Thus, this study aims to investigate undergraduates' acceptance and perspectives of IVFs as socio-scientific issues in the four contexts with spouse's or donor's gametes. Self-developed questionnaire survey was conducted with undergraduate students for their acceptance and perspectives regarding IVFs contexts followed by a statements survey. Grounded theory, descriptive, rubric, and content analysis were used for data analysis. The main findings included: first, the degree of acceptance located differently in the four contexts without gender differences. Second, both biological and non-biological concerns were considered. Content analysis suggested that participants revealed various perspectives on concerns and positions. Discussions addressed patriarchal culture to gender equity, a deficiency on ethic, religion and risk concerns, and a contrary presentation of their positions. This study suggests that IVFs contexts should be addressed for related issues and education.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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