


Promoting Secondary School Students' Science Self-Efficacy and Argumentation Ability with Science News Instruction




潘怡如(Yi-Ju Pan);陳雅君(Ya-Chun Chen);林煥祥(Huann-Shyang Lin)


科學自我效能 ; 科學新聞 ; 論證能力 ; Self-Efficacy ; Science News ; Argumentation Ability




26卷1期(2018 / 03 / 01)


71 - 96




本研究探討透過「科學新聞教學活動」後,學生在論證能力及科學自我效能提升之情形,以及論證能力與科學自我效能之關係。研究工具包括「論證能力測驗」、「科學新聞論證活動學習單」和「科學自我效能量表」。研究對象為屏東縣某公立高中的兩個自然組班級,一個班級為實驗組(N = 29),實施科學新聞融入教學,另一個班級為對照組(N =29)。研究結果發現:一、實驗組學生在論證能力後測表現顯著優於對照組(F = 49.93, p <.001),並在科學自我效能的後測表現也顯著優於對照組(F = 45.77, p < .001)。二、實驗組學生論證能力成長趨勢由較低層次逐漸發展為較高層次。三、實驗組學生論證能力前後測變化量與科學自我效能前後測變化量具有中度顯著正相關(r = .46, p < .01)


This quasi-experimental study was designed to explore the efficacy of using science news to promote the development of secondary students' argumentation ability and science self-efficacy and investigate the relationship of the two dependent variables. A pre-posttest design was employed to invite one class of 11th grades (N = 29) as the experimental group with 16 lessons argumentation instruction, while another class (N = 29) with the similar backgrounds using traditional instruction served as the comparison group. The instruments of science argumentation ability test, science news argumentation activity worksheet and science self-efficacy questionnaire along with follow-up interviews were used to assess the two group students' performance. Research findings revealed that the experimental group students outperformed those in comparison group in science argumentation ability (F = 49.93, p < .001) and science self-efficacy (F = 45.77, p < .001).The level of experimental group students' argumentation ability have developed gradually from lower level to higher level overtime. In addition, significant correlation existed between the experimental group students' pre-posttest variation scores in the science argumentation ability test and the survey of science self-efficacy questionnaire.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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