


Using "Design-Based Learning" as Preliminary Foundation of Smart Aging Design Course




楊朝陽(Chao-Yang Yang);康仕仲(Shih-Chung Kang);陳彥甫(Yen-Fu Chen);林喬茵(Chiao-Yin Lin);王嫊淩(Eng Suk Leng);林怡萱(Yi-Hsuan Lin)


以學習者為中心的學習 ; 設計導向學習 ; 專案導向學習 ; 問題導向學習 ; 跨領域教學 ; Learner-Centered Learning ; Design-Based Learning ; Project-Based Learning ; Problem-Based Learning ; Interdisciplinary Teaching




26卷S期(2018 / 12 / 01)


399 - 418






Since Learner-Centered Learning (LCL) has been seen as important pedagogy, Problem- Based Learning (PBL) and Project-Based Learning (PBL) have been a phenomenon of modern higher education. To complete the LCL, Design Thinking-structured Design-Based Learning (DBL) has then been introduced. Using DBL as the main structure, this research has developed interdisciplinary capstone course-Smart Aging Design. Based on ME310 course of d.School at Stanford University, we developed Smart Aging Design course adapted with Taiwanese course design regulation. The course recruited junior and senior college students from different departments and universities. Companies were invited to participate in the course and provide practical issue they are interested in. The course was designed for one year, i.e. two semesters to build students non-linearly experience in design thinking stages such as empathy, define, ideate, prototype and test. After participating ME310 course, this research has used Participatory Action Research method to repeat plan, action, observe and reflect Smart Aging Design course design. As the results of DBL, students recognized the value of empathy after finishing the products, the products were convincing to the companies in their marketing prospective, experience of team communication were also impressive. This research experienced and explored the chance implementing DBL in the future. The results provided appropriate DBL teaching structure and call attention to possible challenges support for teachers. DBL builds up teamwork competency, and successful DBL also requires top-down real-life issues provided by real companies in conjunction with bottom-up teachers and student's passions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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