


A Study of the Relationship Between Undergraduate Students' Interdisciplinary Competence, Interdisciplinary Curriculum Participation, and Social Problem Perceptions




李育諭(Yuh-Yuh Li);林季怡(Chi-I Lin)


問題覺知 ; 結構方程式模型 ; 跨領域能力 ; 跨領域課程 ; Problem Perception ; Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) ; Interdisciplinarity ; Interdisciplinary Curriculum




26卷S期(2018 / 12 / 01)


419 - 440




本文探討跨領域的學習及影響,特別專注於學生問題覺知的提升,主要目在發展學生跨領域能力之測量指標,以及檢視其與問題覺知與跨領域課程參與之關係。跨領域能力量表參考Lattuca, Knight與Bergom(2013)的研究改編,原量表以工程科系學生為對象設計,所以量表設計會以工程領域學生為參考脈絡,改編後量表經效化後,成為適合測量各領域背景學生(不只工程科系)跨領域能力的一般性的量表。本研究亦同時檢試測量學生跨領域課程參與及問題覺知等兩個量表,研究對象為大學生,採用問卷作為資料收集工具。量表先經130位學生預試,作為是否修訂依據,正式施測時,抽取選修大學通識教育課程6班學生進行調查,課程涵蓋科學、社會、文學等領域多元主題。調查時以班級為單位進行調查,最後獲得有效問卷合計400份。資料分析以結構方程式模型(Structural Equation Modelling, SEM)效化測量工具,並建立「跨領域課程參與─跨領域能力─問題覺知」間之關係模型。主要有以下幾點發現:一、改編之跨領域能力量表對臺灣學生有不錯之測量信效度;二、跨領域能力與跨領域課程參與有關;三、跨領域能力與問題覺知有關。研究發現跨領域教育對學生問題覺知的影響是間接的,其影響需透過跨領域能力的提升來產生。研究結果提供大學跨領域教學與研究之參考。


The study, focusing on promoting students' perception of social problems, discussed interdisciplinary learning and its impacts. The major objectives of study included: first, to construct indicators of university students' interdisciplinary competence; second, to investigate the relationship between the participation of interdisciplinary curriculum and the development of students' perceptions of social problems. Lattuca, Knight and Bergom's (2013) interdisciplinary competence scale was employed which initially investigated participants of engineering major background. The research modified and validated Lattuca et al.'s scale to measure students' interdisciplinary competence of different academic disciplines. This study also tested two scales that measured students' participation in an interdisciplinary curriculum and their perceptions of social problems. The participants were university students; questionnaires were used to collect research data. The modified questionnaire was pilot tested by 130 university students. The formal test was conducted in 6 randomly chosen general education courses which covered multi-dimensional subjects including science, sociology, literature, and etc. Four hundred valid questionnaires were collected; the data were analyzed by Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) and the model of "participating in an interdisciplinary curriculum-interdisciplinary competence-perceptions of social problems" was constructed. The major findings of this study were as follows, first, the interdisciplinary competence scale had high reliability and validity. Second, there was a positive relationship between students' interdisciplinary competence and interdisciplinary curriculum experience. Third, the competence was related to their perceptions of social problems. The findings of this study identified an indirect relation between interdisciplinary learning and students' perceptions of social problems: a learning that was able to make impact on the students' perceptions must be enhanced by the promotion of one's interdisciplinary competence. The findings of this study offered methodology for assessing university students' interdisciplinary competence and their learning outcome and a reference for planning educational goals regarding interdisciplinary learning.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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