


Study on High School Teacher's Interdisciplinary Curriculum Design Based on Actor-Network Theory




張堯卿(Yao-Ching Chang);梁慧雯(Hwey-Wen Liang)


行動者網絡理論 ; 高中教師 ; 跨學科領域課程 ; 課程設計 ; Actor-Network Theory ; High School Teacher ; Interdisciplinary Course ; Course Design




26卷S期(2018 / 12 / 01)


441 - 460




本研究透過個案研究方式,以一個臺北市高中在設計跨學科領域課程的經驗,利用行動者網絡理論(Actor-Network Theory, ANT)觀點來檢視個案教師社群與教師在做跨學科領域課程設計的歷程。從ANT分析的過程中,行動者會面臨許多發展課程的阻力,並在阻力中去尋找集體的共識,即ANT所說強制性的通道(Obligatory Point of Passage, OPP),進而突破阻力而邁向成功之路。本研究發現,在跨學科領域教師社群上的困難與解決之道有三個因素:一、社群成員願意一起面對困境,並尋找解決問題的OPP;二、社群領導人需具有課程概念、能力與經驗,能帶領成員找出跨學科領域共通的議題當成OPP,讓成員集體前進,達到成功;三、跨學科領域社群能建構出適當且安全的協作平台,做為教師協作的OPP。而在教師參與跨領域學科社群上也有三個因素:一、教師需跨越學科本位,重新面對課程;二、教師要勇於溝通與表達,傾聽不同學科的看法,進行對話與釐清;三、教師需改善自我心智,跨越學科邊界,達到自我超越的境界。以ANT的四個契機做觀點協助,確實可以幫助行動者看清所有行動者的網絡關係,並避免異議的發生與擴大,進而尋找到合適的解決之道,讓行動者網絡的成員都能邁向成功之路。


This research adopted case study approach and the Actor-Network Theory (ANT) viewpoint to examine teacher's curriculum design in an interdisciplinary field. During the ANT analysis process, the actors will encounter much resistance to the development of the curriculum, and find a collective consensus from the resistance; that is called "Obligatory Point of Passage (OPP)", and then break through the resistance to the road to success. This study found three key factors which affected problems solving in interdisciplinary courses community: 1. members of the community are willing to face frustration and find the OPP; 2. the community leaders need to have the concept, ability and experience of the curriculum, and can lead members to find out the OPP that can achieve success, let the members move forward collectively; 3. interdisciplinary community can build an appropriate and secure collaboration platform as a teachers' collaboration OPP. Also three factors that teachers must have in the interdisciplinary courses community: 1. teachers need to cross the subject standard and face the curriculum again; 2. teachers should be brave in communication and expression, listen to the views of different disciplines, conduct dialogue and clarify; 3. teachers need to improve their own minds, cross discipline boundaries, and achieve self-transcendence. ANT's viewpoint can help actors to see the network relationships of all the actors and avoid the occurrence and expansion of objections, and then to find suitable solutions and allow the members of the actor network to take steps.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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