


The Exploration of Effectiveness of Agitating Indigenous Students' Motivation and Their Female Images by Using Animated Scientists Biographies




陳明秀(Ming-Hsiu Mia Chen);王子華(Tzu-Hua Wang);李嫚珊(Man-Shan Li)


女科學家傳記 ; 多媒體教材引起動機 ; 原住民學生 ; Female Scientist Biographies ; Multimedia Motivational Teaching Materials ; Indigenous Students




27卷4期(2019 / 12 / 01)


299 - 321






This study applied the use of "gender and technology" to animated instructional materials. These materials included biographies from indigenous and Han female scientists. Reading comprehension teaching strategies were used to teach these materials to indigenous students (n = 35) in five classes (grades 4 to 6) located in three Hualien County rural primary schools over a period of four weeks. Investigators explored the extent that these materials affected students' learning motivation. Student participants were divided into two groups. One group was taught indigenous female scientists first followed by material on Han female scientists material (i.e., "Indigenous-Han"); the other group was taught material on Han female scientists material first followed by material on indigenous female scientists (i.e., "Han-Indigenous"). The "Instructional Materials Motivation Survey Instrument" was used to collect quantitative data from students whereas worksheets were used to collect qualitative data from students. Overall quantitative analysis results suggest that "Han-Indigenous" teaching order had a greater positive motivational effect on rural indigenous students' learning than the "Indigenous-Han" teaching order. However, using "Indigenous" and then "Han" had a decreased and negative impact on male students' motivation than their female counterparts. Qualitative analysis results suggest that both male and female participants were inspired by the teaching of female scientist animated biographies instructional materials.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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