


Analysis the Level and Content of Teaching Reflection on the Pre-Service Elementary School Science Teachers' Teaching Journal




陳美卿(Mei-Ching Chen);周金城(Chin-Cheng Chou)


自然領域師資生 ; 專業發展 ; 教學省思 ; Pre-Service Science Teachers ; Professional Development ; Teaching Reflection




27卷4期(2019 / 12 / 01)


347 - 368






The purpose of this study was to explore the teaching journals of pre-service science teachers during their practice teaching, and to further consider how to improve the pre-service teachers' teaching reflection. Participants included four teacher interns. Collected qualitative data included the interns' teaching diaries, questionnaire surveys completed interns and researcher-intern interviewers. Results show that pre-service teachers' diaries included information describing: (1) themselves (about 50.0%); (2) classroom problems but without proposing solutions to these problems (about 60.3%); (3) education environment, teaching beliefs, teaching skills, and digital technology integration. Another aspect of the teachers' diaries that investigators looked at was (4) the different log (diary entry) formats the teachers used. In addition, this study proposed three suggestions. An intern's teaching reflections should (1) be included in a future teacher's internship practice and (2) be guided to prevent problems typically encountered when interns use teaching diaries. Future investigators may also wish to (3) expand the number of participants when conducting in-depth empirical research. Intern teaching reflections provide a good basis upon which future professional development models can be designed to improve teachers' teaching effectiveness.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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