


The Impact of Rubrics on Scientific Note-Taking and Science Reading Comprehension




蔡惠如(Hui-Ju Tsai);鄭夢慈(Meng-Tzu Cheng)


科學筆記寫作 ; 科學閱讀理解 ; 評分規準 ; Scientific Note-Taking ; Science Reading Comprehension ; Rubrics




28卷3期(2020 / 09 / 01)


255 - 280






In Taiwan, while rubrics have long been applied in grading, empirical studies mostly focused on the design of rubrics rather than the effects on students' achievements. Given that the ability to write and read in the scientific field is important, this study aims to investigate whether the use of rubrics improves students' performances on scientific note-taking and science reading comprehension. A quasi-experimental design was applied on 109 7th graders, with 73 in the treatment group and 36 in the control group. There are three phases of experiments, in which a total of 17 scientific note-taking activities were graded with the rubrics, and the treatment and control groups differ in whether the rubrics showing the details about their note-taking performance were returned to the students as feedbacks. Data were analyzed by using repeated measures analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and ANCOVA, controlling for the effect of prior knowledge (midterm exam grades). The results indicated that the use of rubrics significantly improved students' performances on scientific note-taking and science reading comprehension.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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