


Comparing Experienced and Novice Teachers' Performance in Three Phases of the Noticing Measurement: A Case Study




林勇吉(Yung-Chi Lin);陳姿蒨(Tzu-Chian Chen)


國小數學教師 ; 教師覺察力 ; 評量 ; Elementary School Mathematics Teachers ; Teacher Noticing ; Assessment




28卷4期(2020 / 12 / 01)


379 - 402




本研究旨在探討資深與資淺國小教師,在不同評量「提問」階段(開放問題、具體問題、自由回看)的數學覺察力表現有何差異。本研究採用個案研究法,以五位資深國小教師(年資超過八年)、五位資淺國小教師(年資低於三年)為研究對象。研究程序為兩組教師分別接受一對一訪談,在觀看教學影片後,接受連續三個不同設計(開放問題、具體問題、自由回看)的覺察力評量施測。研究結果指出:一、資深教師在「開放問題」的表現優於資淺教師,能夠指出較多的關鍵事件(n=19 vs. 4)。二、資深與資淺教師在「具體問題」與「自由回看」的整體差異不大。在具體問題中(總平均:資深vs.資淺=0.55 vs.0.54),資淺教師在注意向度的表現略佳(0.71 > 0.66)、資深教師在回應的向度表現略佳(0.45 > 0.35);在自由回看中,兩組教師均致力於擴展在第一階段已提過的評論(資深=資淺=38%),以及再次回答原本答錯的具體問題(資深=35%;資淺=34%)。三、本研究從影片中定義11個關鍵事件,平均而言資深教師能指出較多的關鍵事件(M=6.6),並且將近半數在第一階段開放問題就能指出(49%);相對的資淺教師平均能指出的關鍵事件略少(M=5.6),超過半數都需要具體問題的指引才能指出(61%)。四、影片長度的差異(1~5分鐘)似乎不影響兩組教師的表現。


The purpose of this study was to compare the teaching observation abilities of five experienced mathematics teachers with the teaching abilities of five novice mathematics teachers. A case study method was adopted for this study, and data were collected from teachers using open-ended questions, structured questions and second time viewing the videos. Researchers conducted one-on-one interviews with all the participants. During these interviews, participants were asked to watch four short (1-5-minute) classroom teaching videos. After watching each video three times, the participants were asked to answer open-ended questions and structured questions, and to write down comments in response to the instruction presented in the video based on their knowledge of teaching. Results indicated that the experienced teachers were able to point out more critical events in the open-ended question phase; however, there was a slight difference between experienced and novice teachers regarding their answers to the structured questions after viewing the videos a second time. Novice teachers appeared to perform slightly better in the attending-to category (0.71 > 0.66), while the experienced teachers performed better in the responding category (0.45 > 0.35). A third finding showed that experienced teachers were slightly better in identifying critical events (M = 6.6) than the novice teachers (M = 5.6). Finally, the length of the videos did not seem to influence the performance of either group in answering the structured questions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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