


Assessment of Mathematical Creativity for Students Performing in Conjecturing Tasks




林碧珍(Pi-Jen Lin)


國小學生 ; 評量架構 ; 數學創造力 ; 臆測任務 ; Primary School Students ; Assessment Framework ; Mathematical Creativity ; Conjecturing Tasks




28卷S期(2020 / 12 / 01)


429 - 455






The purpose of the study was to construct and examine an assessment framework for measuring mathematical creativity in the use of conjecturing tasks. The assessment framework employed the element of elaboration adapted from Leikin's (2009) framework. Two research questions were investigated in this study. One teacher and the students in her two fifth-grader mathematics classes were the subjects of the study. The tasks and students' individual conjectures, group conjectures, and whole-class conjectures were the main sources of data collected for the study. Two scoring rubrics for the assessment framework were developed and used to evaluate students' cognitive learning outcomes and mathematical creativity. Results showed that researchers were successful in using this framework to evaluate students in various learning tasks from a mathematics creativity perspective. The generalization of an institutional objective is potential to ignite students' thinking of elaboration. The assessment framework revealed students' thinking in fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration while performing in conjecturing tasks, counting on the number, category, novelty, and generalization of the conjectures that students proposed in the classroom.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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