


Content Analysis of the History of Computer Science in Senior High School Information Technology Textbooks




陳秋燕(Chiu-Yen Chen);邱瓊芳(Chiung-Fang Chiu);吳正己(Cheng-Chih Wu)


資訊科技教科書 ; 資訊科學 ; 資訊科學史 ; Information Technology Textbook ; Computer Science ; History of Computer Science




29卷2期(2021 / 06 / 01)


167 - 189




本研究旨在分析高中資訊科技教科書中資訊科學史的呈現情形。研究首先建立「資訊科學史篇幅分析表」及「資訊科學史內容分析表」,分別針對資訊科學史所占篇幅及內容進行分析,內容分析類目包括:圖片內容、主題領域、年代、事件貢獻者及因果脈絡敘述等五項。接著針對13套通過教育部審定之高中資訊科技教科書進行分析。研究結果顯示,資訊科技教科書中之資訊科學史:(1)篇幅介於0.20%~5.40%,平均每套占2.20%;(2)呈現形式以文字為主;(3)圖片內容以設備為主;(4)軟體領域出現最多;(5)年代大多是在1946年Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer(ENIAC)發明後;(6)貢獻者以組織機構為多;(7)以簡單事實無因果脈絡的敘述為主。研究亦發現課程綱要及教科書作者是影響教科書資訊科學史呈現的重要因素。本研究建議未來課程綱要應將資訊科學史納入學習內容,並增進教師及教科書作者的資訊科學史素養。


The purpose of this study was to analyze how the History of Computer Science (HoCS) is presented in senior high school information technology textbooks. The review checklists for analyzing the contents of HoCS in the textbooks were developed and contained the following topics: space allocated, type of pictures, field, era, contributor, and context about the evolution of computer science theories or techniques. A total of 13 senior high school information technology textbooks endorsed by the Taiwan Ministry of Education were analyzed. The findings of this study were as follows: (1) the space allocated to HoCS ranged from 0.20% to 5.40% (an average of 2.20%); (2) the main format of history presentation used in HoCS was text; (3) the pictures used in HoCS mainly featured equipment; (4) the most discussed field in HoCS was software; (5) the era of history incidents presented in HoCS occurred mainly in the years after the invention of the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) in 1946; (6) the names of contributors mentioned in HoCS were mostly organizations; (7) the narrative of HoCS is mainly simple and without much further explanation about the evolution of computer science theories or techniques. In addition, this study found that the computer science curriculum guidelines and textbook authors were important factors affecting how HoCS was presented in these textbooks. Based on these findings, the researchers of this study posit that HoCS should be included in the learning content of future computer science curriculum guidelines. Furthermore, teachers' and textbook authors' literacy of HoCS should also be enhanced.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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