


University Students' Support for Air Pollution Prevention Policy in a Public University in Southern Taiwan




謝百淇(Paichi Pat Shein);項文雄(Wen-Hsiung Hsiang);陳繼成(Chi-Chen Chen);郭哲凱(Che-Kai Kuo)


空氣汙染 ; 空氣汙染防制政策 ; 風險論點 ; Air Pollution ; Air Pollution Prevention Policy ; Risk Argument




29卷2期(2021 / 06 / 01)


83 - 112




空氣汙染對民眾生活品質的威脅日益嚴重,對於人體健康的危害甚鉅。大學生是未來世界的準公民,對於政府未來的決策有當然決定權。因此,本研究是藉由大學生空氣汙染防制政策支持度之結構模式分析,探究820名大學生在「細懸浮微粒(Fine Particulate Matter ≤ 2.5 μm, PM_(2.5))科學知識」、「科學參與」、「自然連結」、「幸福感」,以及五大風險論點(「相對風險」、「預防優先」、「無法做決策」、「風險不大」與「利弊權衡」)對於「空氣汙染防制政策支持度」的關連性。本研究結果發現,大學生在「PM_(2.5)科學知識」、「自然連結」均與風險論點中的「預防優先」產生正向關連,與「風險不大」、「相對風險」呈現負向關連,亦即大學生的科學知識越高、與自然的關係越緊密,越有可能對空氣汙染採預防的態度。「幸福感」與「風險不大」的風險論點有正向關連,驗證生活中越感幸福的學生,對於人生中的風險視為必然且危害不大的假設。「空氣汙染防制政策支持度」僅與「預防優先」論點成正向關連,而此論點也與「PM_(2.5)科學知識」、「自然連結」成正向關連。本研究的發現可提供給高等教育的科學及環境教育的教學實務與學術研究之參考。


Air pollution has become a critical hazard to people's health and quality of life. University students, as future citizens, have the right and responsibility to determine the government's future policies. This study aimed to understand university students' position on the risks of air pollution risk (relative risk, precautionary risk, uncertainty, small risk, and pros and cons) in relation to Fine Particulate Matter ≤ 2.5 μm (PM_(2.5)) scientific knowledge, scientific engagement, connectedness to nature, support for air pollution prevention, and well-being. Survey data were collected from 820 university students from various academic disciplines and were analyzed using path analysis. Findings showed that students' PM_(2.5) scientific knowledge and connectedness to nature were positively correlated to precautionary risk and negatively correlated to small risk and relative risk. When the students have more scientific knowledge and connectedness to nature, the more likely they are to take on a precautionary risk attitude toward air pollution. Students' sense of well-being was also positively correlated to their view that air pollution presents a small risk. Students' support for air pollution prevention was positively correlated to precautionary risk, PM_(2.5) scientific knowledge, and connected to nature. The study presents educational implications for promoting science and environmental education in the higher education.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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