


Effect of Applying Project-Based Reflective Teaching in Environmental Action Curriculum of PM_(2.5) Air Pollution on Learning Outcome




楊登順(Teng-Shun Yang);許彩梁(Tsai-Liang Hsu);劉品君(Pin-Juin Liu);顏瓊芬(Chiung-Fen Yen)


反思日誌 ; 空氣汙染 ; 專題式學習 ; 環境行動方案 ; 環境素養 ; Reflective Journal ; Air Pollution ; Project-Based Learning ; Environmental Action Project ; Environmental Literacy




29卷S期(2021 / 12 / 01)


491 - 516




本研究旨於探討專題反思日誌教學運用於細懸浮微粒(Fine Particulate Matter ≤ 2.5 μm, PM_(2.5))空汙環境行動方案課程前、後,大學生環境教育目標的學習情形、PM_(2.5)空汙環境素養與環境行動方案課程規劃的變化情形。本研究採單組前後測設計,便利取樣選取臺中市某大學共38位學生作為研究樣本,針對永續環境汙染議題、環境教育目標及公民行動方案,進行9次PM_(2.5)空汙議題反思日誌教學,透過合作學習於課堂上完成小組反思寫作任務。本研究利用自編PM_(2.5)空汙環境素養量表、空汙專題反思作業、校園PM_(2.5)空汙防治行動方案報告、訪談大綱、教學反思為研究工具,蒐集大學生的PM_(2.5)空汙環境素養、環境教育目標理解,及校園環境行動方案課程規劃與執行能力。本研究以描述統計、相依樣本t考驗及內容分析進行資料分析,主要發現如下:一、大學生對於PM_(2.5)的空汙認知、空汙風險感知、空汙防治行為皆有進一步瞭解與認同;二、專題反思日誌教學後,對於提升大學生PM_(2.5)空汙環境素養有顯著幫助;三、反思寫作能幫助大學生更加理解環境教育目標之公民行動技能、並有效規劃與執行環境行動方案。最後,針對上述教學與研究結果提出對於提升大學生環境教育目標理解、PM_(2.5)空汙環境素養及環境行動方案規劃與執行相關議題,進行討論與建議。


The purpose of this research was to explore the efficacy of using Project-Based Reflective Journal Teaching (PBRJT) to promote the development of college students' goal of environmental education and PM_(2.5) (Fine Particulate Matter ≤ 2.5 μm) environmental literacy and investigate the performance of their curriculum planning in environmental action project. This study adopted a single-group pretest-posttest design. A total of 38 undergraduates were selected using convenience sampling from a university in Taichung City. Participants completed 9 reflective journal tasks of PM_(2.5) air pollution issues through cooperative learning. The instruments of PM_(2.5) environmental literacy scale, air pollution reflection worksheet, campus PM_(2.5) prevention action project report and in-depth interview along with teaching reflection were employed to assess the students' performance. Investigators conducted descriptive analyses, t tests and content analyses on the collected data. Research findings revealed improvements in the participants' cognition, risk perception and prevention behaviors of air pollution. The PBRJT significantly improves undergraduates' PM_(2.5) environmental literacy. In addition, this study provides evidence to support that PBRJT significantly improve students' understanding on subgoal of environmental education (citizen action skills) and environmental action ability. The implications of the findings and recommendations for future research are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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