


Application of Science Notebooks Assessment in Guided Inquiry Curriculum of Self-Contained Classes




吳雅萍(Ya-Ping Wu)


引導式探究 ; 科學筆記評量 ; 集中式特教班 ; 過程技能 ; Guided Inquiry ; Science Notebooks Assessment ; Self-Contained Class ; Process Skills




30卷4期(2022 / 12 / 01)


335 - 355






Science notebooks, as common supportive learning materials, were also regarded as a classroom assessment tool. Nevertheless, seldom research investigated the application of science notebooks in self-contained classes. Mixed methodologies were used in the study to examine the application of science notebooks assessment in self-contained classes with the guided inquiry curriculum by special education teachers. The participants were from two self-contained classes and comprised two special education teachers and seven students with mild and moderate disabilities among 6 grades. The collected data consisted of teaching videos, videos of science notebooks assessment, team meeting records, results of science notebook assessment scores, unit achievement test scores, feedback of teachers and researchers and were analyzed in quantitative and qualitative methods. The results indicated that the science notebook rubric of self-contained classes had good reliability and validity and the science notebooks were potential standardized tests as well. Although limited to a small amount of participants, it was observed that as the sessions of intervention increased, both the scores of science notebook assessment and the unit achievement test were increased, which demonstrated the existence of correlations between two assessments. Furthermore, case study was used to illustrate the process of science notebooks assessment in the guided inquiry curriculum. Suggestions about designing electronic science notebooks, scoring examples by science teachers, accumulating more science notebooks samples and scoring training for special education teachers were made for future teaching and research for reference.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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