


Using Psychological Reactance Theory to Examine College Students' Responsive Behaviors to Threatening Messages: A Study on Microplastic Contamination




曾懷寬(Huai-Kuan Zeng);李秀珠(Shu-Chu Sarrina Li)


心理抵抗 ; 負面認知 ; 威脅訊息 ; 微塑膠汙染 ; 憤怒 ; Psychological Reactance ; Negative Cognitions ; Threatening Message ; Micro-Plastic Contamination ; Anger




31卷2期(2023 / 06 / 01)


133 - 165




近年來,微塑膠汙染對於環境的傷害日益嚴重,並可能透過食物鏈進入人體而引發嚴重的疾病。由於大學生對於推動整體永續未來的轉變扮演了非常重要的角色,因此,本研究以大學生作為研究對象,以心理抵抗理論檢驗微塑膠汙染議題中,威脅訊息、心理抵抗(包含憤怒與負面認知)以及減塑態度與行為意圖之間的關係。本研究進行了兩次實驗法。實驗一(N = 303)將受試者隨機分配到兩個實驗情境之一(高威脅vs.低威脅);實驗二(N= 362)同樣將受者隨機分配至三個實驗情境:高威脅/高效能vs.高威脅/低效能vs.低威脅/低效能。研究結果發現:一、感知威脅與感知效能對自由的威脅有不同方向性的影響。感知威脅會負向影響到自由的威脅,感知效能則會正向影響到自由的威脅。二、心理抵抗由憤怒與負面認知兩個因素所構成,憤怒會影響到閱聽眾後續的態度與行為意圖,但負面認知卻不會影響至這兩個變項,因此憤怒在心理抵抗扮演了比負面認知更重要的角色。三、憤怒對於減塑態度與行為意圖有不同方向性的影響。憤怒會負向影響至態度,但卻會正向影響至行為意圖,本研究發現可提供未來環境教育的實務與學術參考。


Micro-plastic contamination has become a severe environmental problem in recent years. Microplastics can enter the human body via the food chain and cause serious illness. Since college student plays a vital role in fostering the development of a sustainable future, the present study adopted the psychological reactance theory to examine the relationship between threatening messages, psychological reactance (including anger and negative cognitions), attitude, and behavioral intentions toward reducing plastic usage. The present study used purposive sampling, and the sample consisted of college students in Taiwan. This study adopted two experimental surveys to investigate different message designs. Study 1 (N = 303) randomly assigned the participants to one of two research conditions (High threat vs. Low threat). Study 2 (N = 362) randomly assigned the participants to one of three research conditions (High threat / High efficacy vs. High threat / Low efficacy vs. Low threat / Low efficacy). The research findings can draw three conclusions: (1) The results revealed that perceived threat and perceived efficacy played different roles toward freedom threat. Perceived threat would negatively affect freedom threat, while perceived efficacy would positively affect freedom threat. (2) The two variables in psychological reactance, anger and negative cognition, had different functions in psychological reactance theory. Anger would affect the recipient's attitude and behavioral intention, while negative cognitions would not affect these two variables. Thus, anger is vital in affecting individuals' attitudes and behavioral intentions. (3) Anger affected attitude and behavioral intentions toward reducing plastic usage in different directions. Anger would negatively affect attitude but positively affect behavioral intentions. The findings in the current study have provided practical and academic implications for future environmental education.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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