


The Development and Validation of the Teacher-Student Interaction Questionnaire (TSIQ) in the Secondary Science Classroom Learning Environment




佘曉清(She, Hsiao-Ching )


科學教學環境 ; 師生互動量表 ; 科學態度 ; 科學學科成績 ; Teacher-Student Interaction Questionnaire (TSIQ) ; Secondary Science Classroom Learning Environment ; Science Attitude ; Science Academic Achievement




6卷4期(1998 / 12 / 01)


403 - 416




本研究主要的目的是發展並效化一套科學教學環境中的師生互動量表,包含學生真實版、教師眞實版以及教師理想版的師生互動量表,進而研究師生互動關係對於學生的科學態度、科學學科成績之關係,以及不同性別和不同學科之師生互動關係,期望經由使用教師與學生版的量表可協助教師深入了解該班師生互動情形,同時進而營造一個創造思考性的科學學習環境。為達此目的,採用質與量的研究法進行研究。結果顯示本量表不論是cronbach a值、區別效度、因素分析均達理想值以上。同時經由學生訪談結果,更顯示此量表所設計的向度與題項與學生所理解的相符,內部信度也達到標準並發現師生互動關係似乎會影響學生的科學態度以及科學學科成績,特別是挑戰性問題與學生之成績成高的正相關。


The purpose of this study was to develop and validate the "Teacher-Student Interaction Questionnaire" (TSIQ) and to investigate the association among teacher-student interactions, students' attitude toward science, and students' science academic achievement. According to our results, the TSIQ reached satisfactory levels of reliability and validity based on factor analyses and student interviews. Student scores on the first four scales correlated highly with their attitude toward science and science academic achievement scores. The study results suggest that by using both teacher and student version of TSIQ, science teachers will be able to develop a deeper understanding of the relationship between their interactions with students in the science classroom especially as they relate to the promotion of creative thinking and problem solving in the science classroom.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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