


Chin-Han's Meanings of Number Words




甯自強(Tzyh-Chiang Ning)


數概念 ; 教學晤談法 ; 幼稚園 ; Number Concepts ; Teaching Interview ; Kintergarten




6卷3期(1998 / 09 / 01)


255 - 269






Radical constructivism and Piagetian's scheme theory were used as epistemological and psychological assumptions to conceptualize this study. Using this conception, the author hypothesized that number concepts are composite units. The meanings of number words used by kindergarten pupils were classified into two levels: (1) preconception of number and (2) initial number concept. Semi-structured teaching protocols were used to interview children and to collect data on their ideas about numbers. Chin-Han's reactions to solving number problems were gathered and the conceptual analysis of his meanings of number words are reported in this case study. The results revealed that Chin-Han was at the stage of initial number concept.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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