


Family Groups' Visit to a Dinosaur Gallery in a Science Museum-Behaviors, Preference, and Verbal Communications




靳知勤(Chi-Chin Chin)


親子 ; 科學博物館 ; 學習情境 ; 科學學習 ; 非制式教育 ; family group ; informal learning environment ; science learning ; science museum ; museum study




6卷1期(1998 / 03 / 01)


1 - 29




本研究旨在藉質性研究法,運用科學博物館中恐龍廳之非制式學習情境,探討親子觀眾於其中所顯現的參觀學習特性、對不同類型展示的參觀偏好、親子觀眾和展示品間互動的行為類型及其發生頻率、以及成員間之語言互動內涵等項目。研究結果顯示親子觀眾的參觀重點集中於以操作式、演劇模擬式及影片式展示為主的核心項目,並配合以若干靜態展示,組成整個參觀行程,故在參觀動線組合上具有多樣化呈現的現象。親子觀眾與各展示間發生直接互動之時間僅略多於總停留時間之半,其中的口語互動及進階參觀行為之誘發,深受展示品在設計時所欲表露之意涵及其呈現方式的影響。由於親輩多未具備專業性之知識,故其口語說明多屬直接告訴子輩所參觀項目的名稱;或依面版文字以適合子輩發展階段的用語或擬人化語句加以描述。此外,在參觀方法方面的導引,涵蓋較少。親輩主動以發問引導及討論的型式,則未具顯著地位。由親子參觀團體在恐龍展示廳的動線多樣化呈現,顯示科學博物館得能提供其殊途學習組合與設定多元學習目標的特性。作者綜合定義此種能夠提供這兩個特性的學習情境為組合型學習情境(Organizable learning environment);本研究於文末亦分別就科學博物館、學校教師以及學生家長等三方面,提出建議。


This study explored family groups' informal learning experiences at a science museum. It was specifically designed to investigate: (1) their visiting behaviors, (2) their preferences for exhibit styles, and (3) their verbal communications among group members while visiting a dinosaur gallery. The result showed that films, hand-on, and simulative exhibits established much more attracting power (AP) and holding power (HP) through the gallery than static exhibits. Family groups utilized their own visiting track patterns through the gallery based mainly on "core exhibits" and a few static exhibits. Therefore, family groups could experience diverse track patterns upon return visits. The average time period family spend interacting with exhibits was 60%. This ratio indicates that the nature of the visit was relatively unstructured. This study also found the frequency of verbal communications and the advanced visiting behaviors were induced by the special representations embedded in the exhibits. Because the parents, like most of the public, were relatively un-informed about the concepts in the exhibits they usually told their children the names for the exhibits or gave explanations based on the text provided paraphrased to the developmental stage of their children. Interactive strategies like questioning and discussion were rarely used. Based on the findings of study, this article provided recommendations for science museums, school teachers and parents to utilize the informal science settings more effectively.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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