


The Official of Frontier Defenses in Late Qing Dynasty and the First Exploration with Deeds of I-Shan




李國誠(Li, Kuo-cheng)


奕山 ; 鴉片戰爭 ; 伊犂 ; 愛琿 ; I-Shan ; Opium War ; Ili ; Aigun




18期(2017 / 06 / 01)


1 - 38






It was a period with internal revolts and foreign invasions in late Qing dynasty, an antique tradition feudalism faced the situation hadn't ever experienced. It reflected on frontier defenses with a succession of disturbances, wars, and treaties. To announce that Chine was going from tributary system to treaty system. Not only the inland frontier defenses, but also the coast defenses whitch gradually be paid much attention, revealed the weaknesses of Qing dynasty. The big powers from west took by force with various benefits, such as traded, paid reparations, ceded territory, and lost a part of sovereign rights. In the changeful times, there was a member of the Imperial Clan who went the military districts of frontier defenses at northwest and northeast China. At the same time, he signed treaties which influenced China's destiny were called "Truce of Guangzhou", "Treaty of Kuldja", and "Treaty of Aigun". He was I-Shan. I-Shan didn't have great achievements with the improvements in late Qing dynasty. Relatively, he in the person of a bureaucrat who took office in the same old rut under old system. However, he influenced the late Qing dynasty political situation considerably with his deeds in frontier defenses. I-Shan is worth discussing with Frontier Defenses in Late Qing Dynasty. This paper talks about I-Shan's past experience compendiously with a brief introduction about his life, then to confer the position at frontier defenses on late Qing dynasty with what I-Shan processed in Guangzhou, Xinjiang, and Heilongjiang.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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