


A Reading Note on Studies of Women Spinning and Weaving in Late Imperial China since 1991 to 2011




薛名秀(Hsueh, Ming-hsiu)


明清時期 ; 婦女 ; 紡織 ; 男耕女織 ; Late Imperial China ; Woman ; Spinning and Weaving ; Man plows ; woman weaves




18期(2017 / 06 / 01)


111 - 134






This essay is a reading note on the historical studies of women spinning and weaving in late Imperial China (during the period of the Ming and Qing dynasties) from 1991 to 2011. It intends to introduce and review these studies on the level of economy and the level of socio-culture according to the focus of researchers. On the level of economy, the studies analyzed the role of women in the industrial structure, which were based on 'man plows, women weaves,' the basic pattern of division of work in traditional China. On the other hand, on the level of socio-culture, the researchers created a new direction of methodology that attempt to discuss the moral and cultural meaning of women weaving and the socio-cultural context behind the peculiarity of women in the labor force, instead of focusing on economic value. According to the initial analysis of this essay, the perspective of the studies of women weaving during the Ming-Qing period has started to emphasized on the subject of gender. In addition to this, the author considers that the distinctions between regions, class consciousness, the quality of technique and the limitation of era should be the focus of this subject in the future.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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