


Recalls for "Chineseness" Emerging from Modern Urbanism: Discursive Formation of the Architectural Nationalism of Cultural Conservatives in Early Postwar Taipei City as Their Principle Base (M1940s-L1960s)




蕭百興(Steven Pai-Hsing Hsiao)


中國建築史 ; 戰後台灣 ; 文化守成主義者 ; 國族主義 ; 中國性 ; 現代中國建築 ; 中國現代建築 ; 論述分析 ; 空間文化研究 ; 空間性 ; 建築設計 ; 都市 ; Chinese architectural history ; postwar Taiwan ; cultural conservative ; nationalism ; Chineseness ; modern Chinese architecture ; modern architecture ; discursive analysis ; cultural study of space ; spatiality ; architectural design ; urban




19期(2008 / 03 / 01)


11 - 48






The Discourse of 'Free China as a Nation' had played a key role in the social-political operation of early postwar Taiwan. Accompanied by the development of dependent modernity, it often appeared as diverse faces, and occupied the fatal moment of the legalizing mechanism of KMT government. Historically, the discourse of 'China as a nation' was burgeoning from the ethnic resistance against western colonialism. Paradoxically, though it was the product of modernity and had become the start engine of societal modernization, it often reversed itself to be the opposite side of progressivism in the historical process. What we had seen the modern or tradition controversy happened in postwar Taiwan was just the evidence. Nevertheless, through the grinding process imposed by historical powers, it should always not only alter its own character and transform itself into various editions of 'Modern China' discourses, but also start the running of historical wheel. Architecture, as the product of culture and both the medium and outcome of spatiality, is hardly released from the affection of nationalism. In fact, by the articulating of different theories, the practicing of spatial activities, and the building of real space, professionals of early postwar Taiwan belonging to different ideological camps, the cultural conservative included, continuously expressed what they thought about the modern Chinese architecture. Their explanations formed the plentiful and multiple imaginations of 'China as a nation'. This research aims to investigate the concrete processes of Chinese nationalists' architectural sailings practiced by the cultural conservatives in early postwar Taiwan. We hope not only to excavate the power-operation genealogies of Chineseness hidden in their architectural discourses, but also to reveal the very relationship between nationalists' architectural practices and the establishment of identities.

主题分类 工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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