


Research on the Doorhead Style of Public Buildings of Nanjing National Form from 1927 to 1937




陳晨(Chen, Chen);王柯(Wang, Ke)


1927-1937年 ; 南京 ; 民族形式 ; 公共建築 ; 門楣樣式 ; 1927-1937 ; Nanjing National Form ; Public Architecture ; Doorhead Style




24期(2019 / 06 / 01)


39 - 102






The doorhead is a protective component between the door and the wall, which is characterized by a multi-layer structure covered by the girders and the wall joints. Its position is prominent, and is the face of the door. Therefore, in the era of agricultural civilization, it carries the folk culture psychology that tends to be good and benevolent, and indicates the economic strength and social status of the owner. On the basis of this, the doorhead of modern times shows the modern transformation of building structure and technology, reflects the international background of urban construction, and the relationship of blending and adjustment between the traditional consciousness of the native soil and the authority of the party and the state. The special research on the doorhead in the mainland started late, and there are few systematic studies on the doorhead. For the doorhead of a particular region and historical period, there is no more in-depth research achievements. In view of this, the article takes the cultural revitalization policy of "inherent form of China" formulated by the National Government, and the climax of the Chinese architect group to explore the national form of architecture as the background of the times, and focuses on the doorhead styles of the administrative districts, education, science and research of cultural and educational districts and social services as well as the sports ground and monumental buildings of the Sun Yat-sen Cemetery during the ten years of golden construction period in the location of the National Government in Nanjing from 1927 to 1937. Through the list comparison and analysis of the three major types of national forms of architecture, the article divides the archway doorhead , the doorhead of temporary ceremonial arch, and the building's own components of the combination of the doorhead and the outer door doorhead and its complex interpretation, demonstrates the representative architectural elements, the overall styling characteristics as well as the combination of decorative techniques and patterns ,etc., summarizes the common characteristics and individual differences of the doorhead style. Subsequently, from the aspects of design sociology, cultural collision and acculturation, the spirit of the times, and the color painting concept of foreign architects, the function of new buildings, the aesthetic appeal, the importance of the position of the doorhead, and the ritual space shaping of the party color, the background causes of common features and individual differences are analyzed. Fanning out from point to the entire area, the article aims to draw out the all-round and multi level thinking of the visual language, urban construction, epochal spirit, cultural connotation and political significance of Nanjing national form architecture in the golden decade, with a view to organically integrate the doorhead, architecture, city and its the various levels of structure such as nature, society, and humanities.

主题分类 工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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