
Exploring the Relationship between Telephone Interviewers' Psychological Traits and Performance






楊孟麗(Meng-Li Yang);于若蓉(Ruoh-Rong Yu)


NEO-FFI人格量表 ; 歸因型態 ; 五大人格模型 ; 電話訪問員 ; 訪員表現 ; NEO-FFI ; attributional style ; five-factor personality model ; telephone interviewer ; interviewer performance




25期(2011 / 04 / 01)


7 - 46






Psychological traits are critical to job performance. Among the traits, both personality characteristics and attributional styles are closely related to career success. However, similar studies in the field of survey research are at most rare and fruitless. In this paper, we borrow from research results on salespersons and hypothesize interviewers who score higher on the Conscientiousness and Extraversion factors and who are less likely to make permanent and pervasive attributions for unfavorable experiences have better performance. We collected data from 52 telephone interviewers, who later participated in at least one and at most three, of three survey projects, obtaining a total of 98 observations. We used both response/cooperation rates and supervisor evaluations as the objective and subjective indicators, respectively. Results indicate that those who tend more to give temporary rather than permanent reasons for unfavorable events have better performance on all the measures. The Extraversion dimension of personality has a significant relationship with the cooperation rate. We discuss the limitations and implications of the study.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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