


The Taiwan Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System: Reliability Analysis




許勝懋(Shen-Mao Hsu);洪百薰(Baai-Shyun Hurng);洪永泰(Yung-Tai Hungrng)


臺灣健康危害行為監測系統 ; 內部一致性信度 ; 再測信度 ; 二元勝算對數模型 ; TBRFSS ; internal consistency reliability ; test-etest reliability ; binary logit model




26期(2011 / 10 / 01)


123 - 159




目標:介紹測量工具的信度的概念與評估方法,首先,探討受訪者個人特質回答穩定性的關係?其次,探討訪談語言與答案穩定性的關係?進而討論缺乏信度的工具對研究結果的影響,並以臺灣健康危害行為監測系統為例進行分析且提出建議。方法:2008年TBRFSS使用893個再測訪問個案,進行再次接觸且選擇五個題目進行測量。結果:在完訪的個案中,在信度檢測上,內部一致信度依照資料格式檢測,利用三高題目等名目尺度進行KR20信度值為0.374、利用自評健康與生活滿意度等順序尺度進行Cronbach's α信度值為0.477與利用身高、體重之等比尺度進行Guttman折半係數信度值為0.714,顯示內部一致性良好;再測信度則以test-retest信度測量,其中事實題型的Prevalence Adjusted Kappa值都在0.6以上,顯示再測信度的信度良好,但自評健康再測信度的Kappa值則為0.378,兩次回答一致的現象偏低,但若考慮程度差異的Weighted Kappa值則為0.665,顯示回答方向一致的穩定性。從二元勝算對數模型的分析可知,年齡、使用語言、語言與城鄉的交互作用與語言教育程度的交互作用都是影響民眾再測變化的主要原因。結論:臺灣健康危害行為監測系統具有良好之信度,本研究顯示再測信度改變與受訪者的年齡、訪談使用語言、訪談使用語言與受訪者居住城鄉之交互作用,以及訪談使用語言與受訪者教育程度之交互作用之間具有顯著相關。


This purpose of this study was to develop and test reliability of the Taiwan Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System (TBRFSS) Questionnaire. Methods: In TBRFSS, 893 cases were selected for internal consistency reliability and test-retest reliability. Result: 7 core items were selected for internal consistency with examining by KR20 (0.374), Cronbach's alpha (0.477) and the Guttman split-half reliability tests. (0.714). It shows good reliability of the scale. In addition, 5 core items of the TBRFSS were selected for reliability with examining by test-retest reliability tests. It shows good reliability with kappa 0.824, 0.828 and 0.693, indicating adequate criterion. The binary logit model was used to identify factors significantly associated with adjusted odds rations: age, mixed language (Hainanese and Mandarin Chinese) and the interactions (such as county with language and education with language). Conclusion: The reliability depends on the level of random error measurement tools. The TBRFSS was confirmed to be reliable and it can be applied in future studies to enrich the existing system for evaluation of behavior risk factor surveillance system. It was significantly associated with the factors of age of respondent, response language, interaction with townships of respondent and response language, interaction with education of respondent and response language.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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