


A Study on the Association between Knowledge of Modern Genetic Technology and Risk Attitude toward Genetic Technology among Taiwanese




陳清淵(Ching-Yuan Chen);謝雨生(Yeu-Sheng Hsieh)


基因科技風險態度 ; 現代基因科技知識 ; 社經地位 ; 潛在類別模式 ; 多類別邏輯迴歸模式 ; risk attitude of genetic technology (RAGT) ; knowledgeof modern genetic technology (MGT) ; socioeconomic status (SES) ; latent class models ; multinomial logit regression models




26期(2011 / 10 / 01)


45 - 80






This study explores the association between knowledge of modern genetic technology (MGT) and risk attitude of genetic technology (RAGT) among Taiwanese and assesses the role of socioeconomic status (SES) on shaping the association. We use data with 939 respondents from the Survey of Genomic Intention in 2005 conducted by Survey Research Center of Academia Sinica in Taiwan. Latent class models are utilized to identify respondent's latent types of knowledge of modern genetic technology and multinomial logit regression is applied to examine the effects of MGT on RAGT. We also pay particular attention to assess the influence of SES on the association between MGT and RAGT. Results suggest that the majority of Taiwanese are not equipped with knowledge of MGT, but have RAGT concerning both food safety and environmental impact produced by genetic technology. We find that there is no significant effect of MGT on RAGT when controlling for respondent's gender, age, and SES. It also shows that the effect of respondent's MGT on RAGT does not differ by the level of SES.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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