The purpose of this study is to discuss the relationships among values, urban attributes and income. The Theory of Value Change by Inglehart does not investigate the effects of the difference between urban and rural areas, and the environment difference between the two areas is a possible factor influencing the value change. To address this shortcoming, this study first reviewed the values transformation within different periods in the urban attributes. The results demonstrated that post-material values in Taiwan changed from 1985 to 2005. The urban group showed more tendency toward post-material values than the town group and village group did early in this period; however, there was no significant difference of post-material values between the urban and town groups late in the period. Second, this study used two-way ANOVA to further analyze how the two factors, income and urban attributes, influenced the values. The data analysis shows that there is an interaction between urban attributes and income in 2005, but this is not found for 1995. It is suggested that an interaction between urban attributes and income does exist, but is unstable.
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