In order to satisfy the demand of consumers and to improve operational efficiency, we have to know how consumers make their decisions. In the tourism industry, however, only the result of consumers' decision-making is observable. The factors that influence the consumers' decisions are ignored. Therefore, this study attempts to apply the EBM (Engel et al., 2000) model to the tourism industry. We combine the concept of loyalty with EBM to build a four-phase model of travel decision-making, which includes message resources, business items of the site, behavioral loyalty and attitudinal loyalty. We also try to analyze the effect of adopting message resources and business items of the site in the travel demand function. Based on the travel cost method, frequency of visits (behavioral loyalty) positively affects recreation benefits. ECSI (European Customer Satisfaction Index) points out that consciousness benefits (recreation benefits) influence attitudinal loyalty. Thus, we conclude that behavioral loyalty influences attitudinal loyalty through recreation benefits. Furthermore, we build the entire path diagrams incorporating behavioral loyalty, recreation benefits, attitudinal loyalty and its influencing factors and observe the influence effect of every path. The results indicate that the model explanatory power is significantly increased by taking message resources and business items of the agri-tourism sites into consideration for the travel demand function. Among the items of business studied, "catering" shows a positive effect on behavioral loyalty. Among message resources, "self experience" shows a positive effect on behavior loyalty. The explainable variables of tourists that positively affect attitude loyalty from the largest to the least are satisfaction, recreation benefit, experiencing activity cost, catering cost, accommodation cost, and souvenir cost. The traffic cost and the opportunity cost of traffic time show a negative effect on attitude loyalty.
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