


A Study of the Relationship between Media Marketing and Tourism Satisfaction: Using Inbound Visitors to Taiwan as a Case Study




陳宇芃(Yu-Peng Chen);陳志鈞(Chih-Chun Chen);許淳雅(Chun-Ya Hsu);林豐政(Feng-Jeng Lin)


來臺旅客 ; 媒體行銷 ; 觀光吸引力 ; 觀光滿意度 ; foreign tourists ; media marketing ; tourism attraction ; tourism satisfaction




36期(2016 / 10 / 01)


125 - 157






In this paper, a causal model linking three factors (media marketing, tourism attraction and tourism satisfaction) was proposed and validated. Through an in-depth multi-group analysis, the study also investigated whether groups with different tourist characteristics and travel characteristics would have moderating effects on this causal model. Furthermore, quantile regression models were hired to explore the effects and influences of explanatory variables on different quantiles of tourism attraction and tourism satisfaction. The final results show that: (1) The causal model has goodness of fit and explanatory abilities. (2) Media marketing significantly affected tourism attraction for inbound visitors to Taiwan. Moreover, media marketing had a powerful effect on each quantile of tourism attraction. (3) Although tourism attraction significantly affected the tourism satisfaction for inbound visitors to Taiwan, the influential effect declined for visitors with higher satisfaction. Due to this failure to meet the interests of visitors with higher satisfaction, the issue of whether creating more artificial attractions could result in disguising their original natural outlook should be considered. (4) Media marketing could also effectively and positively promote tourism satisfaction; yet, the effect would not appear for visitors with higher satisfaction. The paper concludes by suggesting a promotion of media marketing that considers improving the dynamic advertisements on Taiwan and providing more practical tourism information to visitors.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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