
Respondents' Manifestations of Extraversion in Survey Interviews: Their Relationships with the Extreme Response Style and Attitude Strength






楊孟麗(Meng-Li Yang)


extreme response style ; extraversion ; participation eagerness ; atmosphere of interview ; attitude stability ; 極端回答風格 ; 外向 ; 受訪樂意度 ; 訪問氣氛 ; 態度穩定度




42期(2019 / 04 / 01)


125 - 164




Two contradictory perspectives concern the significance of extreme responses in survey data, and each is supported by abundant empirical studies. One school holds that extreme responses indicate extreme and hence strong attitudes. The other considers extreme responses to be merely due to the extreme response style (ERS). The contradiction implies that the extent of the validity of extreme responses as an indicator of strong attitudes may need to be investigated by simultaneous examinations from the two perspectives. However, no such study exists. Furthermore, interviewers rely more or less on respondents' characteristics of extraversion to complete an interview. Yet, people higher on extraversion are more likely to have the ERS. This leads to uncertainty about the response quality of cooperative respondents. This study distinguishes two types of extraverted respondents: eager participants and friendly respondents. It forms four hypotheses: (1) Initial extreme responses involve ERS more than strong attitudes. (2) Respondents with higher levels of friendliness are more likely to have ERS. (3) Respondents with higher levels of participation eagerness are more likely to have ERS. (4) Respondents with higher levels of participation eagerness are more likely to have strong attitudes. However, we do not expect that respondents with higher levels of friendliness are more likely to have strong attitudes. The hypotheses are tested by analyzing data of the "Survey Research on Attitudes toward Death Penalty and Related Values in Taiwan" in HLM models. AIC is used to compare model fits in testing hypothesis 1. Results support the hypotheses.



主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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