


Influence of Corporate Image and Service Quality on the Satisfaction and Behavioral Intention of Exhibitors




簡立賢(Li-hsien Chien);紀淑怡(Shu-yi Chi)


結構方程式 ; 驗證式因素分析 ; 服務品質 ; 企業形象 ; 參展商 ; structural equation model (SEM) ; confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) ; service quality ; corporate image ; exhibitors




43期(2019 / 10 / 01)


89 - 134






This study discusses the influence of the image and service quality of an exhibition organizer (the National Farmers' Association, NFA) on exhibitors' satisfaction and how the satisfaction affects follow-up re-connect intentions. Covariate-based structural equation modeling with confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis were applied to analyze interview data from 113 exhibitors who had participated in exhibitions abroad hosted by the NFA in the last five years. Empirical results show that the most influential concerns for exhibitors to decide whether to participate in exhibitions are "intensive industrial attachment" and "more new business". Satisfaction with the "exhibition's performance" is proven to be the most significant factor in influencing the behavioral intention of exhibitors. Positive influences of both service quality and corporate image on exhibitors' satisfaction are significant; also, the image factor is shown to act as a partial mediator. Exhibitors give consistently high ratings to the NFA on their service and reputation; therefore, a higher registration fee is feasible. Overall, it is shown that the NFA is able to manage the business of exhibitions abroad well, with profitable expansion strategies, to strengthen exhibitors' loyalty by providing reliable services with its good reputation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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