Chronic venous insufficiency can cause venous leg ulcers (VLUs), and the venous hypertension caused by chronic venous insufficiency will decrease the functions of the calf muscle pump and ankle joint. Therefore, physical activities may be feasible to improve the function of calf muscle pump and ankle joint, and to promote wound healing. This study aimed to perform a systematic review of randomized controlled trials to summarize the effects of physical activity on the wound healing among patients with VLUs. This review focused on studies published before April 7, 2020 and included searches of the following databases: Taiwan Journal Article Index, Cochrane Library, PubMed, CINAHL (EBSCO), and ProQuest Nursing Allied Health. Nine studies met the inclusion criteria. The results of the studies found that the physical activities of walking, ankle dorsiflexion, leg elevation, squats and aerobic exercise have good results on VLUs wound healing. It is recommended that physical activity can be listed as an auxiliary to the care of VLUs patients. However, a large and meticulous study is still needed to verify the effectiveness in the future.
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