For resident physicians, self-directed learning (SDL) plays a vital role in their clinical training. However, there are only a few measures that directly facilitate SDL. The individualized learning plans (ILP) program is one of them. This study aims to use ILP to help residents in their first post-graduate year (PGYs) achieve their learning goals, and we found ILP promoted SDL in the contexts of Taiwan. These PGYs' learning goals were not only consistent with the goals of post-graduate year training but could also be referenced to the six core competencies of Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), especially medical knowledge and patient care. After implementing the ILP program, the PGYs all achieved their learning goals within the timeframe as the advisor checked with the criteria for assessment in their ILP forms. The PGYs' scores of the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire revealed that their test anxiety significantly decreased. The survey results also showed that the positive effects of ILP on SDL were highly recognized by the PGYs. In the era when greater emphasis is placed on self-directed, lifelong learning of clinical physicians, we need to incorporate ILP into our postgraduate training.
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