Conducting a comprehensive assessment and delirium prevention program for patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) is an important task for improving the quality of care in the ICU. We aimed to perform a systematic review of randomized controlled trials to evaluate the effects of family video messaging on ICU delirium. The following keywords with natural language system and MeSH terms were used to search for articles on family voice, recorded audio messages, delirium and agitation. Articles were retrieved from 8 electronic databases including PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, ProQuest, EMBASE, Airiti Library, and National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan. A total of 58 articles published prior to May 2021 met the search criteria. After screening the abstract, title, and main text of the studies and deleting repetitions, we identified two eligible trials for qualitative synthesis. Research quality was appraised using the GRADE and CASP-RCT checklist. Two studies had a total of 141 patients, and the sample size ranged from 30 to 111. The results of family video study revealed that family video messaging may decrease agitation in delirious patients. In another study using family voice, thirty ICU patients were randomized to 3 groups (family voice group, non-family voice group and the control group). The results showed that the family voice group significantly had more delirium free days than the other groups (p=0.04). Recording 1-2 minutes meaningful video or audio interventions can improve patient agitation or reduce delirium. Therefore, it is recommended to use recorded customized messages or video from the patient's family members and integrate them into clinical routines within 24 hours of admission to help the medical team prevent delirium more effectively and improve the quality of care.
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