


Study of Sex Differences and Sex Roles in Musical Attitude of Adolescence




蘇郁惠(Yu-Huei Su)


青少年 ; 音樂態度 ; 兩性差異 ; 性別角色 ; adolescence ; musical attitude ; sex differences ; sex role




18期(2004 / 06 / 01)


363 - 386






In this study, the purpose is to investigate the sex differences of adolescent musical attitude, and compare among their different sex roles. In this study, a survey to 21 junior high and 21 high schools by cluster sampling was performed to include 1706 students in the end for statistics. An Adolescent Music Learning Behavior Questionnaire which was developed by author was used as the major tool for the survey. The internal consistency test was high with Cronbach α.85.Categories of music learning factors including school musical culture identity, popular music culture identity, self image of musical behavior, parents’ attitude to music, peer group and media effect were included in the questionnaire. The authors chose Lin’s sex role inventory as criteria for adolescent’s sex role, which classifies sex roles into masculine, feminine, androgynous, and undifferentiated. The result of this study revealed the significant sex difference of adolescent’s music behavior. Female adolescence has higher scores in all categories especially for self image, school music culture and parent’s attitude. In different sex role, the undifferentiated has the lowest scores of the music behavior, and the androgynous has the highest. There was no significant difference between masculine and feminine type except parents’ attitude. In this study the importance of sex equality in music education is emphasized and the author suggests further study for strategy to remove the barrier for music learning by a旺’ecting factors of sex role.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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