


How a Single-Mother Feels about Her Life and Child-Rearing after the Death of Her Husband




江素芬(Sue-Fen Chiang);劉慈惠(Tsyr-Huey Liou)


單親家庭 ; 教養 ; 質性研究 ; Single mother ; child-rearing ; Qualitative study




19期(2004 / 12 / 01)


113 - 136






The parent-child relationship in single-parent families was usually depicted as either “over attached” or “over detached”, which was quite a puzzle to us. Aiming to clarify the stereotyped description about single-parent families, we explored the child-rearing ideas of a single-mother based on the cultural-ecological perspective. The participants are a working class widow of forty- years-old and her two children. The data were mainly collected through participant-observations, in- depth interviews, informal dialogue and related documentation. Findings indicate that although the fact of becoming widowed induces unavoidable negative impact to the family, positive ones do also exist. Factors that shaped the child-rearing ideas of the mother include financial situations, personal social network, and characteristics of the mother and the child. The participating mother emphasizes the modeling role of the first child, the importance of care-taking and obedience. In disciplinary situations, in addition to the use of the same old strategy of spanking, the mother extends to consider other forms of discipline. The pain and difficulties of being a single mother are clearly felt. The children are demanded for more responsibilities compared to those in intact families. The parent-child relationship in this family does not go extreme as described in most of the related literature. It is urged that parenting of single-parent families needs to be understood contextually.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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