


A Case of One Lementary Teacher's Beliefs and Practices about Reading Instruction




呂美慧(Mei-Huei Lyu)


信念 ; 閱讀教學 ; 信念與實踐 ; belief ; reading instruction ; beliefs and practices




22期(2006 / 06 / 01)


133 - 154






In recent years, the whole language approach about reading instruction has attached much attention which works against the traditional phonic/skill approach. The aim of this study is to explore the relation of teachers' beliefs and practices about reading instruction. Specifically, the main focuses of this study include: the content and characteristics of the beliefs about reading instruction, the correspondence and gaps between the beliefs and practices of reading instruction. By using one elementary teacher who is interesting in the whole language approach as a case, the researcher employs observations, interviews, and document analysis as data collection strategies. The conclusions are as following: (1) The core of this teacher's beliefs about reading instruction is ”cultivating the wisdom of living”. The other relevant beliefs are about knowledge and learning, the teacher's role, and the nature of student's learning. (2) The characteristics of this teacher's beliefs involve: first, the differentiation of core and border, strong and weak beliefs; second, the dynamics of changing and shaping process; third, the continuity between two extremes; and last, the spectrum of multiple dimensions. (3) The practices of this teacher's reading instruction almost correspond with her beliefs. However, there are some gaps emerging. According to this teacher's perceptions, the institutional factor contributes to some gaps. Based on the researcher's observation, the nature of beliefs makes the other gaps.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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