


A Study of Relationships between Marketing for Schools and Organizational Performance: Organizational Structure as Moderator




郭維哲(Wei-Zhe Guo)


學校行銷 ; 組織績效 ; 組織結構 ; marketing for school ; organizational performance ; organizational structure




22期(2006 / 06 / 01)


25 - 56






After opening the educational markets, in order to improve the organizational performance, there are their necessities and proper to introduce the marketing for schools in good time. Moreover, from the view of 'structure follows strategy', while probing into relationships between marketing for schools and organizational performance, organizational structure has influence power that can't be ignored. Therefore, this research was mainly focused on relationships between marketing for schools and organizational performance. Besides, organizational structure as a moderator is expected to have moderating effect to their relationships. The major findings from this research through questionnaire investigation include, marketing for schools have good explanation strength and enhance the organizational performance. Besides, organizational structure has interference effect to relationships between marketing for schools and organizational performance. Finally, according to the conceptual framework and research findings, it also draws upon some suggestions for the school management and academic implications for the future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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