


Developing a Survey for Field-based Inquiry Learning Environment




蘇明俊(Ming-Jun Su)


野外探究 ; 學習環境 ; 環境量表 ; Field-based Inquiry ; Learning environment ; environment survey




24卷1期(2007 / 06 / 01)


61 - 84




本研究旨在發展一份標準化的野外探究學習環境的評鑑工具,比較野外環境與教室或實驗室在探究教學上的差異性,藉以促進教師實施野外探究教學。依據Orion、Hofstein、Tamir和Giddings(1997)發展之「戶外科學學習環境量表(SOLEI)」的七個向度擬題,持續以五個階段的量表發展作為效化的歷程,再蒐集實徵性資料進行差異性(含不同學習環境與性別)之比較,完成「野外科學探究學習環境量表(FILES)」,包含:環境互動、統整合一、同學親和、教師支持、多元開放、預備安排、物質環境、學習自主等八大向度,共計50題,其Cronbach α值達到0.95,適用於野外探究學習環境的評量。 為了解量表的實用性,辦理國中生「墾丁科學探究之旅」,於活動前後分別以「教室或實驗室學習環境量表」及「野外科學探究學習環境量表」施測,結果在「環境互動」、「統整合一」、「多元開放」、「物質環境」及「學習自主」等五個向度,學生認為「野外探究」的學習環境優於「教室或實驗室」的環境,且達0.05的顯著水準,與研究者作質性觀察的結果及晤談的學生反應大致相符;本研究亦發現男生比女生有利於實施野外探究教學。建議中小學科學教師運用「野外環境」實施野外探究教學。


The purpose of this study was to develop a survey for Field-based Inquiry teaching, to compare its differences on two learning environments in field and in class or laboratory. The survey was in accordance with 7 scales by Orion, Hofstein, Tamir, and Giddings (1997), to finish the survey called Field-based Inquiry Learning Environment (FILES) through validation, including Environment interaction, Integration, Student cohesiveness, Open-endedness, Preparation and organization, Material environment, Learning autonomy, amount to 50 items. Its value of Cronbach α is equal to 0.95, good test for the evaluation of teaching environment in Field-based Inquiry. I also processing an activity of teaching go to Kenting National Park for science inquiry, the findings were Field-based environment for learning was better than the class or laboratory environments, and the junior high school boys learned in field-based environment were better than in class or laboratory, same as my qualitative data by observations.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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