


Constructing and Implementing a Narrative Curriculum-A Case of Life Curriculum




曾肇文(Chao-Wen Tseng)


生活領域 ; 敘事探究 ; 敘事課程 ; 課程統整 ; life curriculum ; narrative inquiries ; narrative curriculum ; curriculum integration




25卷1期(2008 / 06 / 01)


21 - 52






The center of narrative inquiries is story that has essential content which can be treated as a research. A story, which can be used in the class, is one that can be developed from the functions of education, epistemology and transformation. We choose a story or tell a story in the classroom and the story is used as the main course of learning, and the main orientation of teaching inquiry. In this way we constructed and proceeded the life curriculum. This research, adopting collaborative pedagogy with grade 2 students, is implemented according to the framework of Lauritzen & Jaeger who used narrative teaching as a model in the curriculum. The story of ”The happy little frog” is then developed and eight teaching activities are constructed. The results of the study confirm the positive effects of the narrative instruction upon students and teachers, and show the nature of curriculum integration.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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