


A Study on School Leadership Practices: The Object Level of Caring and the Approach of Development




連俊智(Jun-Zhi Lian)


學校領導實務 ; 質性研究 ; 學校校長 ; school leadership practices ; qualitative research ; school principal




25卷1期(2008 / 06 / 01)


53 - 78






A different paradigm will result in divers hypotheses, and forms a different pattern of organization management and the solving mechanism of different problems in education administration. The result would be limited for the assistance of practice job, if the studies always adopted quantitative resarch. This paper utilized the viewpoint of qualitative research in the field of schools, and explored the object level of caring and the approach of development. This paper found the conceptualization of the multi-level of caring object related to individual, community, school and community, and environment outside. On the other hand, this paper found that the approach of development utilized an integrative viewpoint including crossing structure, finding symbol, developing profession, balancing micropolitics, and accruing influence.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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