


A Study on the Relations between Cultural Capital and Academic Achievement:A Case Study of Sixth Graders in the Yulin County Elementary Schools




陳青達(Chin-Da Chen);鄭勝耀(Sheng-Yao Cheng)


文化資本 ; 學業成就 ; 布爾迪厄 ; 國民小學 ; cultural capital ; academic achievement ; Pierre Bourdieu ; elementary school




25卷1期(2008 / 06 / 01)


79 - 98






The concept of cultural capital by Pierre Bourdieu preoccupies the research field of education and sociology for more than three decades. According to Pierre Bourdieu, the definition of cultural capital could be interpreted into three successive processes, embodied state, objectified state, and institutionalized state. In this study, we analyze the interrelationships among elementary school students' family backgrounds, cultural capital, and their academic achievement. After conducting a survey in Yulin country, we collect the data from 478 sixth graders of elementary schools there. Along with statistical analysis, we have the following seven findings: a. Students' family backgrounds are highly interrelated to their cultural capital, but just living with their dad is the worst situation; b. When their parents are vendors, the students possess more embodied state cultural capital; c. Female students own higher embodied state cultural capital and objectified state cultural capital; d. Students who study in private schools keep the highest embodied cultural capital and objectified state cultural capital, urban school students are second, and the suburban school students are the lowest; e. Students who possess higher embodied state cultural capital and objectified state cultural capital perform better in both examinations; f. Their fathers' institutional state cultural capital are hard to transfer to their academic achievement; g. Embodied state cultural capital is the best predictor to students' academic achievement and learning adoption.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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