


Exploring the Influences on Organizational Commitment in Participating Motivation and Club Cohesion in College Student Clubs of Tainan District




張同廟(Tung-Miao Chang)


大學校院學生社會 ; 社團參與動機 ; 社團凝聚力 ; 組織承諾 ; college student clubs ; participating motivation in clubs ; organizational commitment ; club cohesion




26卷1期(2009 / 06 / 30)


1 - 32






In order to improve the college student clubs performance, the cohesion of members has become one of the most measurement indicators. In influencing these factors of club cohesion, the participating motivation is more important. The purpose of this study mainly explored the relationships among participating motivation in clubs, organizational commitment and club cohesion, and verified the mediating effect through organizational commitment. A survey by questionnaires was used with these samples of 386 club's members from Tainan district colleges, and data was analyzed using the SEM for a statistical analysis. The results revealed that the significant factors in influencing club cohesion were participating motivation in clubs, organizational commitment, and the mediating variable of the impacts of participating motivation in clubs on club cohesion was organizational commitment. Finally, according to the findings, the researcher draw upon some suggestions and limitations for future studies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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