


The Impact Model of Satisfaction for Learning Outcomes on College Students with Different Backgrounds




劉若蘭(Ruo-Lan Liu);楊昌裕(Chang-Yu Yang)


人際投入 ; 大學生 ; 原住民大學生 ; 學習成果滿意度 ; 學術投入 ; college/university students ; aboriginal students ; academic involvement ; social involvement ; satisfaction for learning outcomes




26卷2期(2009 / 12 / 01)


1 - 21






The purpose of this research study was to explore the relationship between campus experiences and the satisfaction for learning outcomes of junior college students with different backgrounds in Taiwan. The data of the study collected from the juniors' survey in Taiwan by Center for Education Evaluation and Research Development of National Taiwan Normal University on 2005, sample including14,074 general students and 267 aboriginal students. Data analysis was using t-test and structure equation analysis. The findings are: the academic involvement of general students is higher than that of aboriginal students and the fitness of models for aboriginal students is good and all the direct and indirect effects are significant. Finally, recommendations for helping student success with diverse backgrounds in higher education were presented.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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