This research study aimed to develop a supervisees' attachment behavior scale and adopted Questionnaire Survey. The participants consisted of 250 supervisees working in schools or social counseling agencies. The measurements applied in this study included ”Supervisees' Attachment Behavior Scale”, ”Attachment Style Scale” and ”Supervisees' Conscious of Supervisory Effectiveness Scale”. The data collected were analyzed through item analysis, confirmatory factory analysis, and Pearson product-moment correlation. The result of the study included:
1. The final version of the Supervisees' Attachment Behavior Scale consisted of 16 items, divided into three layers, i.e., preoccupied attachment, fearful attachment and dismissing attachment.
2. The reliability coefficients of the three layers have yielded Cronbach's α coefficient range from .697 to .873.
3. The content validity, criterion validity and construct validity have been found to be satisfactory.
4. There was significant correlation among fearful attachment, supervisory role and function, supervisory relationship and supervisory skill. There was significant correlation among dismissing attachment, supervisory relationship and supervisory skill.
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