


A Postcolonial Perspective on the Content of "Textbooks" in Social Fields Associated with Globalization




章五奇(Wu-Chi Chang)


後殖民 ; 全球教育 ; 全球化 ; 反思的教育 ; postcolonial ; global education ; globalization ; reflection of education




27卷2期(2010 / 12 / 31)


103 - 134




本研究旨在利用後殖民觀點分析國小六年級下學期社會領域教科書「全球關聯」主題中所呈現的全球樣貌。透過論述分析的研究方法分析國內教科書、教學手冊及習作書面資料。 主要研究發現結果爲:一、教科書企圖建構全球公民社會,但反思性和關懷性不足;二、能認同本土,呈現全球的多樣化,卻隱藏國際權力的不平等;三、未教導學生轉變社會結構及參與政治決定所需的技巧和態度;四、未將學生視爲主體,未能提供對話、質疑、批判、慎思的空間及主動想像、比較、建構、分享的機會。


This study adopts a post-colonial standpoint to analyze textbooks in various fields of social sciences dealing with topics related to ”global connections”. We sought the means by which to amend such textbooks to cultivate the civic literacy of democratic pluralism in students. Our research methods involved analysis through discussion, without any indication of the level for which textbooks were intended. We discovered that textbooks attempt to construct a global society of citizens, but the reflection and the care are not enough. Second, these textbooks provide a good account of the country of origin and present topics related to global diversification, but tend to hide the inequality of international power. Third, these textbooks do not provide students with the skills or attitudes required to affect change in social structures or participate in politics. Fourth, these textbooks do not regard students as subjects, and fail to provide a forum for discussion, raising questions, or criticism. In addition, they fail to provide opportunities for actively imagining, comparing, constructing, or sharing the information with which they are provided.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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